- Organization
- Step-Up Dance Committee (“Committee”) is an unincorporated association under the laws of the state of California.
- The Committee consists of crew dancers (“Members”) and a Board.
- Members must be active (dancing) participants on one or more of the crews listed in “Appendix C," be currently registered with the Committee, and be actively participating with the Step-Up Dance Committee.
- Board Members are volunteers and cannot be owners, relatives, employees, or relatives of employees of any of the crews listed in “Appendix C.”
- Purpose
- The Committee exists exclusively for charitable and educational purposes.
- The Committee, with the help of its Members, will conduct events to raise awareness of the dance crews, the mission of the Committee, and upcoming activities needing support.
- The Committee will use events to show Members how to engage in teamwork and the skills needed to execute successful events while raising funds to support dance-related activities and expenses.
- Funds raised by the Committee will be used for select Member expenses as determined by the Board (see “Appendix A” for a list of eligible expenses).
- Governance
- The Committee will be collectively stewarded by a Board.
- The Board consists of volunteers who support the committee’s mission, vision, and goals.
- More than one individual from a household may volunteer and hold a position on the Board.
- Each household represented on the Board will only have one vote, even if multiple Board Members are from the same household.
- The role of the Board is to provide strategic direction and oversight for the Committee’s major projects, initiatives, and finances (see “Appendix B” for specific Board roles and responsibilities).
- The initial Board will consist of: Ruben Rodriguez, Jennifer Bianchi, Karin Leonard, Tim Leonard, Samantha Gurney.
- Board Additions: Volunteers can join the Board by self-nomination and majority approval by current board members. A minimum of three Board Members are required (see “Appendix B” for mandatory positions) with a maximum of seven Board Members. Each December, Board Members and individuals interested in joining the Board may volunteer to be placed on the ballot to fill positions for the coming year. Each January, a vote will be taken to fill Board positions up to the maximum number. Each household may cast one vote. Voting will be open for one week (7 days) after candidates have been announced via email. Participation on the Board is a one year commitment unless a Board Member is terminated.
- Terminating Board Membership: An individual’s role on the Board ends when they resign, are expelled, die, depart from the Committee, or when their term expires (unless re-elected or renewed). It is preferred that a Board Member provides written notice (letter or email) to the President two weeks prior to resigning. When possible, notice may be given at a Board Meeting and the Board Member may stay on the Board for up to 4 weeks after providing their written resignation. Reasons for expulsion may include but are not limited to: inappropriate conduct, illegal activities, dangerous behavior, and dishonesty. Expulsion can be initiated with a Board majority vote at a called meeting. The Board Member’s name, reason for proposed expulsion, and voting outcome must be documented in meeting notes.
- Expulsions are effective immediately after a vote to expel is approved.
- Members
- Members must be current, active crew dancers whose household is up to date with Committee dues and must be in good standing with their crew (“Appendix C”).
- Members under the age of 18 must have one or more household representative identified over the age of 18. The Member’s Representative will be responsible for voting on behalf of their Member, chaperoning their Member at Committee activities and/or participating on their behalf, attending Committee meetings when available, and accepting funds for designated expenses.
- All Members and/or their households are required to volunteer through meaningful participation at events and activities. The number of volunteer hours may vary from Member to Member. For an event to count towards Committee participation, the event must be approved by the Board and facilitated through the Committee. Volunteer hours may be at an event, planning or preparing for an event, or doing tasks that support the Committee as directed by the Board. Promotional and fundraising events that support the Committee will be agreed to by the Board and planned in advance. Once an event is established, the task list for that event will be sent out via email to all Member households. Member households may reply to the email with the desired task they would like to support. The Board will try and accommodate all requests when possible. Unsupported tasks will be re-communicated by the Board until all roles have been assigned for a given event.
- The Board will call virtual or in-person meetings of the Committee as needed for upcoming event coordination or information gathering/dissemination purposes.
- For a Member to qualify for assistance with an event expense, the Member must be dancing in or be an alternate in the dance for which the funds will be used.
- New Members: Crew dancers can become Members of the Step-Up Dance Committee by:
- Attending (or having a household representative attend) a Committee meeting or talking to a Board Member about joining the Committee
- Meeting the membership criteria (see 4a)
- Paying the required dues
- If a Member joins after a major fundraiser the Member may not qualify for funds previously gathered unless otherwise voted by the Board.
- Terminating Committee Membership: A Member’s Committee membership is immediately terminated when they resign, are removed from the crew, stop paying dues, discontinue being an active participant at Committee events and meetings, are formally terminated by the Board as a Member (via letter or email), or fail to renew their membership.
- A non-active member is someone who has not participated at Step-Up Dance Committee events and/or meetings. Non-active Members (or household of non-active members) will be sent an email followed by a verbal communication, as needed, if the Board believes there is a concern with lack of participation and is considering termination.
- Committee membership that is terminated for any reason immediately renders the Member ineligible to receive any funds held by the Committee, even if the individual participated in an event which contributed to the funds.
- Member Fees: Each member of the Step-Up Dance Committee will be required to pay a $20 initial membership fee; thereafter, an annual fee of $10 (unless otherwise adjusted by the Board) is due on the member’s SUDC membership anniversary. Upcoming and outstanding fees will be communicated by email. Fees will cover legal forms and submittals, bank fees, and other operating costs of the Committee. Fees are non-refundable.
- By participating on the Committee, Members agree to abide by the decisions of the Board.
- Assets
- No part of the Step-Up Dance Committee Funds shall be used to compensate the Board which consists of volunteers.
- All funds raised by the Committee will go toward Member expenses and support (see “Appendix A”).
- Political limitations
- No activities of the Committee shall consist of carrying on propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation.
- The Committee shall not participate or intervene in any political campaign (including the publishing or distribution of statements) on behalf of any candidate for public office.
- Decision Making
- A quorum must be achieved in order for a Board meeting to take place. Quorum is defined as having at least 2 of the mandatory positions present AND an overall majority of current Board members. If the Board Secretary is unable to attend a Board meeting, the Board must appoint another Board member to document meeting notes. This appointment does not count toward the mandatory position requirement for quorum.
- All events, activities, expenses, purchases, or transfer of property or funds of Step-Up Dance Committee must be voted for and approved by the Board.
- The Board will make decisions including approving expenses by majority vote.
- The Step-Up Dance Committee will conduct a Board meeting every one to three months as dictated by upcoming events. Time between Board meetings may not exceed three months.
- A majority approval must be met to consider a motion as approved.
- Votes must be submitted by all Board members unless the absence of their vote does not sway the result.
- Effort will be made by the Board to accommodate Board Member schedules when scheduling Board meetings. If a Board Member cannot attend a Board Meeting in person, they may attend the meeting virtually. If a vote takes place, a Board Member attending virtually will have their vote taken over the phone and documented in the meeting minutes by the Secretary or representative.
- The Board Secretary will email a copy of the minutes of each meeting to all Member households.
- Resolving Conflicts
- When conflict arises among the Board concerning the activities, decisions, and/or assets of the Step-Up Dance Committee, the parties to the dispute will attempt to resolve the dispute by engaging in informal discussions aimed at reaching a mutually agreeable solution.
- If an agreement cannot be reached, the Board will resolve the conflict with a majority vote by the Board.
- If there is an equal number of votes due to having an even number of Board Members at that time, then a vote will be opened to the Member households for a period of 48 hours. Each Member household will be notified by email and allowed a single vote during the voting period. Board Member households that have already voted will not participate in this supplemental vote. At the end of the voting period, Member household votes will be tallied by the Board and the option receiving the most votes will be used as a collective tie breaking vote to the original Board vote.
- Dissolving or Changing Structure
- If the Board is unable to fill all mandatory positions, the current Board Members may dissolve the Committee by a majority vote of the Board.
- Upon the dissolution of the Committee, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Committee is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
- Amending the Bylaws
- Amendments to these Bylaws may be made through a majority vote of the Board at a Board meeting with at least 7 calendar days notice.
- Once approved by vote, amendments will be incorporated into the Bylaws and documented in the Revision Log along with the date of the change.
- Updated Bylaws will be emailed to all Member households.
- Signing/Executing Documents
- The following Executive Board positions will have the power to speak on behalf of, act as an agent of, sign binding documents for, and conduct financial activities of the Committee: President and Treasurer.
- The Board can revoke or designate alternate Executive Board positions with a majority vote.
Appendix (A): List of Eligible Expenses
- Competition Entry Fees
- Competition Outfits/Costumes
- Hotels/Lodging when required for competition
- Member Airfare when required for competition
- Other Member Transportation Expenses when required for competition
- Member Meals (may include non-Members)
- Team Gear or Swag
- Workshop or Camp Fees
- Team Snacks/Refreshments (may include non-Members)
- Other expenses or fees as determined eligible and voted by the Board
Appendix (B): Board Member Positions (Volunteers) and Responsibilities
*Denotes Mandatory Board Positions
President*: Executive Board position presiding over meetings, serving as the primary contact, adhering to bylaws, laws and regulations, updating the Bylaws following Board approval of amendments, and providing strategic direction to the Board.
Secretary*: Coordinating the time and location of Board meetings and notifying Board Members, communicating with the President and preparing the agenda/topics for meetings, coordinating Committee meetings and notifying Committee members, documenting and disseminating meeting minutes to all Member households via e-mail, and tracking event details and member anniversaries including communicating upcoming anniversaries to the Treasurer.
Treasurer*: Executive Board position providing financial oversight and management of the Committee’s bank account, preparing and presenting financial information at Board meetings and at Committee meetings as directed by the President, pays Board approved expenses, documents revenues and expenses, notifies Members of upcoming dues, and assists in submitting year end taxes with President.
Director of Marketing: Promoting the Committee by maintaining social media presence, developing flyers, promoting upcoming competitions and fundraising event opportunities.
Volunteer Coordinator: Helps coordinate events and volunteers, tracks Member and household participation.
(Support) Board Members: Assists Board roles listed above in the execution of their duties.
Appendix (C): Dance Crews Support by Step-Up Dance Committee
- The Origin Hip Hop Dance Academy crew